Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Journey to the Cross

We all have our favorite places and vacation spots. It is a place of comfort where all the world seems to slow down, almost stopping. Ask the next person you meet; "Where do you go or what do you do to find rest?" You will be suprised at the answers; the beach, my room, take a walk or even read a book. Have you ever thought about taking a journey to the cross? Taking time out of your busy day to meet with Jesus. Just to sit at the feet of Jesus, where grace, mercy and love are abundant. I try to take this journey every day, but all to often I fail because of the schedule that life presents. Like any journey or trip this I like to prepare by gathering some of the items I need: a Bible, music and my journal. Each day the journey ends at the same spot, the Cross. The path to the Cross varies day by day, sometime it is a quiet journey as I listen to God, on others I listen and sing to worship music and on others I read the Bible. No matter the method used to take this journey the result is the same, I find my self sitting before the Cross. I can see a image in my mind of what the journey looks like:
"As I walk the narrow path I begin to see the top of the cross over the ridge, the more of the cross I see the desire to reach my destination grows, I brake into a brisk walk, as I break the ridge there it is the Cross and sitting there waiting for me is my Jesus, I sit in his presence allowing the Spirit of God to transform me and renew my mind. As I walk away, I know that there is something different not about the journey or with Jesus, there is something different within me."
Like any break or vacation the time you spend in the comfort of you secret place is never long enough. However, there is world out that requires our immediate attention. A world in which we have to work, go to soccer games and take care of our family and friends. When the chores of life take over, I do not forget the lessons learned on my journey. As I complete my daily tasks I do not take my mind, heart or soul off the cross, and the thought of returning to the cross where Jesus is waiting for me.

1 comment:

Knittygirl21 said...

That is so true. Everyday I get alone with God and make a "Journey to the Cross". I have been changing every time I make that journey and I am glad that I am changing. I desire to move closer to God and to learn more about Him. I pray that is the desire of every Christian, to daily make that Journey to the Cross and to come back a changed person.