Monday, August 20, 2007

What would you do with a million dollars?

A former United States President proclaims that the greatest problem humanity in the next 100 years is not Global Warming but the increasing chasm between rich and poor. 75% of the wealth in the world is in the US, the us contains 20% of the world population. That is 75% of the worlds wealth are possessed by 20% of the people. What do we do with our wealth, do we spread the wealth. I am quick to answer, yes! I give some of my wealth to the church, my friends and family- those who need it, those who I know. What about those I do not know, how quickly am I to reach into my pocket to give away my loose change. Is that all I have to give the “bum” on the street. There is a problem with this paradigm. No matter what part of the country or the world we are from we all have had the opportunity to meet the need of a homeless person on the street. The next time you see a person in need sit back and watch you will be amazed by what you see. More often than not people just walk by without even a glance as if they are numb to the person. Others reach into an empty pocket and pull out the inner fabric as to say “I do not have anything,” and others take out their spare change and give that a way as they walk into Starbucks to buy a 5 dollar cup of java.
A corporate executive once told me that he made 5 sandwiches every day, on his way into NYC he would hand the sandwiches to those people he would come across. Not the roll of bills in the other pocket. A school teacher gave up here daily coffee and bagel to help the homeless orphans of Romania, a year later she had given $1300.

We fail to recognize theses “bums” as human being made in the image of God. We do not see this man as Jesus see him, we see him as a failure who weighs on society and has never and never will be a productive member of society.

In America today there is a desire to volunteer, this generation of teenagers and young adults give freely of their time and themselves to serve. Their parents who have it all, the boomers, nearing retirement have the money and the time to meet needs like never before. The boomers were the “All about me” generation that created the consumer culture. Their offspring have discovered that their parent’s success had not guaranteed happiness. If the US is the center of world wealth why do we not give more, the problem is that we are also the center of world debt; we are held captive by consumer debt. We have car payments, mortgages and school loans that prevent us from really impacting the kingdom. All too often we take financial classes and seminars for our personal financial gain forgetting the lessons on charity, stewardship and giving to the poor. Although we are challenged by the teachers and speakers that we can give more to God and you can never out give God.

If God blessed you with a Million dollars would it change who you were? Would you drive the same car, live in the same house, attend the same church? Would you live the same standard of living, giving the overflow the people who really need it? I again, say yea! I will feed the poor, home the homeless, strengthen the weak; but would I really? Or would I become fat, living high on the hog? I tend to believe that many of us would not handle the responsibility of an abundant amount of money, because we are not responsible with the small amount we receive from week to week. Remember it was Jesus that said in the parable of the talons; “His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Matthew 25:21 NIV. Are you being faithful with what the Lord has given you?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Journey to the Cross

We all have our favorite places and vacation spots. It is a place of comfort where all the world seems to slow down, almost stopping. Ask the next person you meet; "Where do you go or what do you do to find rest?" You will be suprised at the answers; the beach, my room, take a walk or even read a book. Have you ever thought about taking a journey to the cross? Taking time out of your busy day to meet with Jesus. Just to sit at the feet of Jesus, where grace, mercy and love are abundant. I try to take this journey every day, but all to often I fail because of the schedule that life presents. Like any journey or trip this I like to prepare by gathering some of the items I need: a Bible, music and my journal. Each day the journey ends at the same spot, the Cross. The path to the Cross varies day by day, sometime it is a quiet journey as I listen to God, on others I listen and sing to worship music and on others I read the Bible. No matter the method used to take this journey the result is the same, I find my self sitting before the Cross. I can see a image in my mind of what the journey looks like:
"As I walk the narrow path I begin to see the top of the cross over the ridge, the more of the cross I see the desire to reach my destination grows, I brake into a brisk walk, as I break the ridge there it is the Cross and sitting there waiting for me is my Jesus, I sit in his presence allowing the Spirit of God to transform me and renew my mind. As I walk away, I know that there is something different not about the journey or with Jesus, there is something different within me."
Like any break or vacation the time you spend in the comfort of you secret place is never long enough. However, there is world out that requires our immediate attention. A world in which we have to work, go to soccer games and take care of our family and friends. When the chores of life take over, I do not forget the lessons learned on my journey. As I complete my daily tasks I do not take my mind, heart or soul off the cross, and the thought of returning to the cross where Jesus is waiting for me.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Do you love the Ninevites?

Do you love them like Jonah? Most people weather they attend church or not have some recollection of the story of Jonah and the Whale. Time and time again, we have heard the story as a example of a rebellious man running from God. There is a underlying theme that is often missed in the historical account of Jonah and his trip from the belly of a sea creature to Nineveh. In fact it is quite simple and runs throughout the story, God loved the people of Nineveh and Jonah did not. Jonah was not running from God as much as he was running from God's direction. Why would Jonah want to run from God and His direction? Nineveh was one of Israel's enemies, they had conflicting theological, cultural and religious tensions. Nineveh would not have been a Jewish prophets first choice for a weekend getaway. The journey for Jonah would be a long and difficult, he would be the only voice for God in an opposing culture. Jonah feared that he would not be welcomed and would be persecuted by the wicked Ninevites.

I can understand Jonah's fears and thoughts. What will happen to me? What if I am rejected? My enemies do not deserve God's love? What of my nemesis understands my message; loves God and comes to my church; and sits in my pew? Although we may not admit it, many of us are like Jonah. God is our God, we have fenced him in our churches and in our lives, we often make it our responsibility to decide who deserves God's unconditional love. Jonah had a fear that the people would repent. What if they did? 1 John 1:9 If we repent and confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive.....God would be faithful and deliver them, this was difficult for Jonah to accept.
Did Jonah love the Ninevites? Jonah could not imagine that God could love the people of Nineveh,. He loved them just as He loves the unbelievers of today. Often we act more like Jonah, despising the lost world, rather than loving them as God does.
Even after Jonah reaches the Ninevites he is discontented that God may show mercy upon the people of Nineveh. Deflated, dejected and depressed Jonah retreats to a hillside to see what will happen to the people of Nineveh- Jonah 4; God reminds Jonah that He is God (Elohim); God the creator and that Jonah is just the messenger. Do we ever forget that we are the messengers of God. It is not our duty to decide who should hear about God's love, it is only our duty to love our God with all our heart, mind and soul; to be obedient ministers of the gospel loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Love Them Like Jesus

Do we love love them like Jesus? Do I love them like Jesus? The song "Love Them Like Jesus", challenges us to love everyone weather we have all the answers or not. People are quick to say I love you brother or I love you sister, but do you really? Paul in his letter to the Philippians talks about an agape love. A love mirrored in his heart and in the people of Phillipi. A love that is a tough love, forgiving, centered on Jesus Christ, and intelligent. This love is not a feeling that comes from the heart nor is it a love that gives you goose bumps and a warm fuzzy in your tummy. It is intentional, unrestricted and unconditional. Jesus loved those who were not that easy to love; a tax collector, a persecutor; a prostitute, a woman with many husbands; lepers and even a thief. When was the last time you loved someone that was not easy to love. As a follower of Christ it is not an option to love, it is a commandment. Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12:28-31 and Matthew 5:43-46 all call us to this "agape" love. We are to love God above all things and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. If we truly understand God's love for us and the price he paid for our sins; how could we not love Him. If we understand God's love for the drug dealer, prostitute, thief or liar and the price He paid for them; how could we choose not to love them. As you drive to work this week, sit in your office or stand in line remember that the person in front of you, behind you; everyone you meet is God's creation, made in His image to worship Him; God loves them unconditionally shouldn't you?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

IVideo My Life Podcast 24/7

Did you hear about the latest video frenzy to hit the net. The debut of the TV show "IVideo" and the constant uploads to have a new star in focus, this star is you. Imagine your life being broadcast live 24/7 on the Internet for your friends, boss, family and for the world to view. It is simple all you need is a lap top, a USB or blue tooth enable camera mounted to a ball cap and a Internet connection. Can you imaging everyone seeing you at your best and your worst. Your boss can keep tabs and monitor your productivity, your friends and family can see your private life, your church....wait a second that is an invasion of privacy. Americans fight for privacy, it is our right. We want the freedom to do what we want, when we want and how we want - but would this be the case if someone was always watching.

Growing up in religious schools and attending Sunday school it was often said that God sees everything we do. It is a difficult concept to grasp. I know when my wife or neighbor is watching me or even those people watchers at the mall, I am on my best behavior. I know they are there, I can see them, they are right there in the flesh. God is God; He is everywhere, He knows all and sees all even when we cannot see Him. I often imagine standing before a large screen in the presence of God in judgement of all that I have done. All of my life recorded for His viewing. A few people define character as: "Actions that are completed when no one is watching you", when you are not preforming and no one present. God is always present. Do live my life as God is watching my life 24/7.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Life is Highway

To celebrate our anniversary I had the perfect trip planned out. I printed out the directions, loaded the car and began our journey. Shortly after our trip began I began to waiver off the beaten path, deciding that I knew a quicker way to our destination. After reaching our mid way point and stopping for lunch we headed on. As we traveled on that evening I came to a crossroad and was unsure of which way to turn. I looked to my companion who had falled asleep as is the norm. I remember the rules of the road; man law states that a man must turn right when unsure of which direction to go. A right trun it was. As we continued to travel down the road I noticed the names of the towns and counties we were travelling through, I did not recognize any of them. To be sure my memory was not failing me, I awoke my wife, she was quick to ask; "Are we lost", my pride took over; "No, we are almost there." I responded with conviction. A second question followed; "Maybe we should pull over and ask for directions?", as again with arrogance I replied, " I do not need anyone to help me or tell me where I am going!" Before she could getout the third question I answered it for her; "No, we are not going to trun around. We continued through the New England countryside eventually coming to three crossroads at each I took a right. After hours of driving we ended up at the first crossroad.

Have you ever noticed that the choices you make in life are like those that you make on the road.

1)We start off with good direction and the best intentions only to waiver off in our own direction because we think that we know a better way to get where we are going.

2) We do not like to stop and ask for direction or help. This will make us vulnerable and feel like we are LOST. Men struggle with this.

3) Instead of stopping or pausing to get our direction, we would often continue to move in the wrong direction, taking us further and further away from our goal.

4) Once lost the best way to get back on the road, is to go back to where you became misdirected.

Our Chirstian Journey can become askew when we fail to follow God's direction for us. When we are unsure of what God has planned for us we need to STOP to ask for direction or correction, to many times we fail to notice the signs continuning on the wrong path. Many times when I have been misdirected on my journey God has taken me back, shown me where I have failed and pointed me in the correct direction.

Where are you going today? How are you going to get there?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mision Complete?

Many times over the past few years we have heard the phrase mission complete. God has called each one of us to a specific mission in life, this is our calling. Does God have a specific purpose for our life beyond the role of a faithful servant. Is there something specific that we are to accomplish before we move into eternity? Is it only upon completion of our mission that we called home? God has clearly placed a call on our lives to live holy, faithful Christian lives. He has also designed us for a specific purpose. Each one of us has unique gifts and talents needed to complete their specific kingdom mission. Our mission may not always be what we expect it to be. Jim Elliot called to the people of Ecuador, only ministered there a short time before his life was taken. Only allowed to served a short time Jim left behind extensive journals. Although cut short in our eyes, he fuffilled his mission. A mission that allowed his wife to continue to serve the people of Ecuador, write her books and influence others through her speeches. A missionary translating the bible to a Vietnamese dialect, was warned by family and friends of the dangers of her calling. Her response was "I will not go home until I have complete God call on my life.- Shortly after the translation was completed, the village she was living in was invaded and her life was taken. Her mission and her call had been completed.

Do you know your purpose? What is your calling?